miércoles, septiembre 13, 2006

Famous mugshots

New Yorker Al Pacino, famous for “The Godfather,” did more than just “act” like a gun toting gangster. In 1961, at the age of 21, Pacino was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. Charges were later dropped and rumor has it Pacino claimed he was en route to an acting gig and was to use the gun for the skit. His mug shot looks as if it came straight out of one of his movies.

“Baywatch” star Tara Leigh Patrick, better known as Carmen Electra, was arrested November 6, 1999 on battery charges after a fight in a hotel room with her former-husband, NBA star Dennis Rodman. Neither wanted to press charges, and both were released on $2,500 bail. Rodman was apparently saddened with the judge’s order for the two to stay at least 500 feet from one another.

The older this kid gets the stranger he looks. This, of course, is Macaulay Culkin, seen here in a mug shot taken by the Oklahoma City (OK) Sheriff's Department after they arrested him on September 17, 2004 on charges of being in possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, plus possession of weed. That's all the details cops were releasing at the moment - stay tuned.

We are shocked and appalled. Can you imagine? For those of you who were off-planet on November 20,2003, Michael Jackson, fine, upstanding member of the entertainment community, well-adjusted human being and all-around good guy, has been arrested by the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department on child molestation charges. We just can’t believe he’d be involved in something so… so… depraved. So horrific. So freakish. (Let us pause while we dab at our weeping eyes with a clean handkerchief.) Oh, the injustice of it all! We’re at a loss for words to describe our emotions at such a moment.
Para más mugshots click aqui

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